About the Lawton Heritage Association
The Lawton Heritage Association, Inc. was organized in
July 1973 for memorial, historical, educational,
charitable, and patriotic purposes. Its purpose is to
foster a love for local history; to revere the memory of
those pioneers who blazed the way for present civilization
and progress; to promote historic preservation in the
community and revitalization of surrounding neighborhood;
and to provide a public facility for civic and social
activities. The Lawton Heritage Association is a non-profit
corporation organized under the laws of the State of
A Brief History of The Mattie Beal Home

In the land lottery of 1901, in which the federal
government opened southwest Oklahoma for settlement, the
second name drawn was that of Mattie Beal. This determined
young woman from Wichita, Kansas chose her 160-acre
allotment south of the Lawton town site. Instant fame was
hers and she received hundreds of marriage proposals, but
it was local lumberyard owner, Charles Payne, who stole her
heart. They were married in 1902.
After considerable soul-searching, Mattie Beal agreed to
commute her property, so that frustrated settlers who had
failed to acquire a townsite lot could purchase affordable
homesites and remain in the area. She donated land for two
parks, a school, and a church and was benevolent in
promoting culture in the city. Mattie Beal's generous
spirit and gregarious personality made her the belle of
early Lawton society.
Three daughters were reared
in the stately Payne home located on the summit of her
property. This was the scene of many bridge parties and
social events in early Lawton. The ballroom was often alive
with music, dancing, friends and neighbors.
Charles Warren Payne held an interest in several
business ventures, among them the Payne Lumber Company, a
coal delivery service, Payne-McGee Grocery Store, and a
wholesale grocery supply. In keeping with his compassionate
spirit, Charles Payne continued to sell to his customers
"on credit" during the years of the Great Depression which
struck in 1929. Many of these debts were never repaid.
Financial difficulties and Mattie's death in 1931 took its
toll on him. The home was sold in 1939; Charles Payne died
eight years later.
Ownership of the home changed hands several times from
1939 through 1974. During World War II, the home was
divided into apartments for wartime housing. By the late
1960's, neglect and vandalism had taken their toll, and the
Mattie Beal Home was scheduled to be demolished. The Lawton
Heritage Association, with the help of the citizens of
Lawton, raised funds to purchase the Home in 1974. The
following year it was listed on the National Register of
Historic Places.
The Lawton Heritage Association has sponsored a series
of restorations of the Home. The latest, funded by the
McMahon Foundation and a federal grant through the City of
Lawton, returned the Home to its 1923